Substituting Common Table Salt

saltCommon table salt is heavily processed, lacking over 80 healthy trace minerals found in natural salt. Table salt commonly contains undesirable additives such as anti-caking agents like sodium silicoaluminate or sodium ferrocyanide. We can view this type of salt like the white bread of salts – chemically stripped of all things valuable and then “enhanced” by synthetic vitamins and minerals.

The good news is that natural salt is widely available, reasonably priced, and tastes better. The following salts are great alternatives to replace your table salt and can be found at your local health food store: unrefined and unprocessed – Himalayan Sea Salt or Celtic Sea Salt.


Wiseman Health Take-Home Advice

We recommend using a Himalayan Sea Salt from Sustainable Sourcing called HimalaSalt, as we think this type of salt is the most superior form available. Remember: natural salts are not white like common table salt. All natural salts are brownish, sandy, or slightly pink in color. Beware of certain products marketing themselves as natural sea salts as they are not always entirely pure. Great products can be found at People’s Pharmacy, Natural Grocers, Wholefoods, Wheatsville, and Also when reading food labels, avoid purchasing products with ingredients that say “salt” as this represents common table salt, and pick the brands that use “sea salt” listed in their ingredients.

Editor’s Note: This content was created by our Wiseman Health content and writing team, without the influence of artificial intelligence engines. Our goal is to be your trusted source for natural health and medical information. This article was originally published on December 20, 2013 and has since been updated.

4 Replies to “Substituting Common Table Salt”

    1. Hey Ed,

      Great question. Himalayan sea salt is a pure, hand-mined salt that is derived from ancient sea salt deposits. It was originally formed from marine fossil deposits over 250 million years. It is harvested from these ancient sea beds. Hope this helps;)

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