Wiseman HealthTalk: Learn about MAT – Muscle Activation Techniques

4781_276154Listen to WFP HealthTalk Radio podcast with guest Eric Ferguson, Owner of Muscle Activation of Austin to learn about Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT).

Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT) views muscle tightness as the body protecting itself from weakness or instability, which cause other muscles to dominate and stiffen in order to bring temporary stabilization to the joint.

Most other therapies focus on alleviating the symptom of muscle tightness; however, MAT is a process which focuses on improving muscle function to resolve the original problem and provide a more permanent solution.

Eric Ferguson has a B.S. degree in Exercise Science and multiple certifications from his former employer, the world-renowned Cooper Fitness Center in Dallas, Texas. Being an exercise and muscular specialist for over fifteen years, Eric has worked with clients ranging from collegiate and professional athletes, cardiac rehabilitation patients, post physical therapy to general fitness enthusiasts.
In 2001, he started an Austin based professional training business and began searching for a new approach to wellness that filled the gaps between traditional western medicine, physical therapy, chiropractic, nutrition and personal training. Muscle Activation Techniques (M.A.T.) was the modality that proved to fill the gaps.

Eric was the first in Austin certified as an MAT Specialist and has achieved the highest level possible as an MAT Master Specialist and in 2011 began teaching MAT classes, making him one of only a few MAT instructors world wide. While having a full schedule, he continues to pursue adjunct course work ranging from neurophysiology to biomechanics.  To learn more, visit www.mataustin.com.
