We are excited about our latest addition to our clinic! In our quest to better inform patients about healthy food decisions, we have built a walking garden in the front and around the north side of the building. This new addition helps us attain our larger goal which is to is to change the experience that people have when visiting their primary care provider. We believe this experience can be more enriching and we are always looking for ways to improve this. Inquire at the front desk and come take a self guided tour. It’s designed so after you check out at the front desk you can follow a garden path from the front of the building, all the way around the side of the building, and back to your car. For our families with children, it’s a great opportunity to show them where our food comes from and what a garden is all about.

We recently planted our Fall/Winter harvest – see photos below. Edibles planted for this season included kale, cabbage, swiss chard, beets, spinach, cauliflower, radish, lettuce, broccoli, and sugar pea snaps. Look out for our next Wiseman Family Practice Video of Dr. Jeremy Wiseman explaining how to build an urban garden and why gardening is so important for our future.
Editor’s Note: This content was created by our Wiseman Health content and writing team, without the influence of artificial intelligence engines. Our goal is to be your trusted source for natural health and medical information. This article was originally published on December 23, 2014 and has since been updated.
This is what I like about Wiseman Family practice, they think out of the box and suggest natural remedies over big pharm.
thanks Wiseman Family Practice for doing the right thing.
Here’s a song to go along with your garden post:
Great photos! I think this is a great idea. Looking forward to the video.