YouTube Video Transcript
[Wiseman Family Practice Speaks Out Against Water Fluoridation at Austin City Council August 14, 2014]
>> Dr. Jeremy Wiseman: Thank you, Mayor, and Council Members. My name is
Jeremy Wiseman and I am a family practitioner at Wiseman Family Practice.
The topic I want to discuss today is the fluoridation of water. Now, I know this topic and its potential health effects have been discussed in the past. But I would like to cover a few other issues of concern to me.
We first need to establish that fluoride is a drug. The definition of a drug is a substance intended for the use and the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, and/or prevention of disease. In this case, of course, it’s the prevention of dental caries.
Now, there are many bedrocks of medicine today. But two of the big ones, in my
opinion, would have to be informed consent of medical treatment and dosage
control of medications.
Now, informed consent is defined as the consent to medical procedures and
treatments given by a patient “after,” that’s the keyword, “after” the potential risks, hazards, and benefits of treatment have been explained. This principle has been completely ignored with the fluoridation of our public water, in an attempt to improve public health. And I believe it needs to be reconsidered.
The second issue is dosage control. Now, presently fluoride is added to water at about .7 to 1.2 parts per million—depends on where in the nation you live. So this means that everyone from infants to adults get the same concentration. Now, depending on how much water a person drinks, this dosage is highly variable, especially for infants who bottle-feed on a water-based diet.
If we can’t consider taking fluoride out of our public water supply, which I believe is the ultimate solution, then I propose we have some sort of labeling or education for parents about the potential dangers of dosing in infants and children.
I want to emphasize that I’m not actually against fluoride. I actually believe that topical fluoride has its place in toothpaste, for example. And I believe that there are dental benefits for doing this. But the systemic absorption of fluoride through our water supply is an all-together different issue. I think one that has proven and potential health risks that I think are unnecessary and I think are unsafe for public health. Thank you for your time.
>> Speaker: Thank you, Jeremy.
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You go Dr. Wiseman!! woohoo!!!
So proud of you for taking action! What was the response from the Austin City Council if any or did it fall on deaf ears? Keep up the good work!
Dr. Wiseman, when I lived in San Antonio, Kay Turner who was against fluoride in our water tried valiantly to stop the addition of this poison to our water, as it is scraped from the inside of fertilizer stacks. We tried for years, and it was voted on and passed. It is the worst poison that could possibly be given to our citizens.
I was impressed with your presentation, and appreciate your concern for everyones’ health. Thanks
Thanks to Dr. Jeremy for stepping up and speaking out against this unnecessary addition to our city water supply. I hope his efforts make a difference.
Fantastic Dr, J!! I wish I had known you were doing this so I could have attended the meeting.
Thank you and your practice for sticking up for everyone who either cannot or doesn’t know where to begin. It will be a long process but if more people such as yourself keep speaking and educating others on these controversial topics things are bound to improve for our quality of life as a whole. I am so proud to be a patient at your practice. Thank you for everything you do.
Excellent considerations! Thank you for speaking out!
This was a very well presented, and to the point.
Highly recommend this doctor for his holistic approach. I drive from Waco to see him.