Book an Appointment
New Patients
Welcome to Wiseman Family Practice!
We offer convenient Telemedicine appointments for new patients, along with in-office visits. Please fill out our New Patient Registration electronically below. Once we receive this information, our office will contact you to schedule your New Patient appointment. Please check our Insurance page for more information on our accepted insurance plans. Our office receives a large number of New Patient requests and depending on the number of requests, it may take up to 1-2 weeks for us to contact you to schedule your New Patient appointment. We thank you for trusting us with your healthcare needs and look forward to seeing you soon!
Established patients
Established patients can schedule an appointment online, including Telemedicine visits, through your Patient Portal or your Healow App on your smartphone for any of our locations. If you do not have access to your Patient Portal account, please e-mail us through our Contact Us page.